Summertime Resources

healing healing trauma nervous system nervous system regulation resources somatic healing somatic resources May 21, 2024

Summer is here!

Summer can offer such wonderful resources as we emerge from the rebirth of spring after the restful winter.

Here’s a list of 25 resources and activities for nervous system regulation that are perfect for summertime. These focus on engaging the body, connecting with nature, and promoting relaxation and healing.


Outdoor Activities

  1. Nature Walks: Walking in a park, forest, or along the beach can soothe the nervous system.
  2. Swimming: The rhythmic movement and cool water can be very calming.
  3. Hiking: Engaging in gentle hikes provides exercise and a connection to nature.
  4. Gardening: Tending to plants can be grounding and therapeutic.
  5. Outdoor Yoga: Practicing yoga in a park or beach allows for deep breathing and connection with nature.
  6. Picnics: Enjoying a meal outside can be a simple way to relax and enjoy the moment.
  7. Bird Watching: Observing birds in their natural habitat can be meditative.
  8. Camping: Spending a night or two in nature can reset the nervous system.
  9. Biking: A leisurely bike ride through scenic areas can be invigorating and calming.
  10. Stargazing: Lying under the stars can be a peaceful way to end the day.


Water Activities

  1. Paddleboarding: The balance required can help focus the mind.
  2. Kayaking: The rhythmic paddling can be both relaxing and a good workout.
  3. Fishing: The quiet and patience required can be very soothing.
  4. Floating: Simply floating in water, whether in a pool or lake, can be incredibly relaxing.
  5. Snorkeling: Observing underwater life can be a mesmerizing experience.


Sensory Activities

  1. Sand Play: Playing with sand, whether at the beach or in a mini sandbox, can be grounding.
  2. Rock Balancing: Finding and stacking rocks can be a calming and creative activity.
  3. Nature Art: Creating art with natural materials like leaves, flowers, and twigs.


Mindfulness and Meditation

  1. Outdoor Meditation: Practicing mindfulness or meditation in nature enhances relaxation.
  2. Mindful Eating: Enjoying summer fruits and being mindful of their textures and flavors.
  3. Sound Baths: Listening to natural sounds like waves, birds, and wind can be very soothing.


Social and Community Activities

  1. Community Gardens: Participating in a community garden can provide a sense of connection and purpose.
  2. Outdoor Music Events: Attending live music events can be uplifting and enjoyable.
  3. Summer Solstice Celebrations: Participating in solstice events can provide a sense of connection to natural rhythms.

Personal Practices

  1. Journaling Outdoors: Writing while being surrounded by nature can enhance self-reflection and relaxation.


These activities not only help in regulating the nervous system but also make the most of the summer season by encouraging you to spend time outdoors, connect with nature, and engage in mindful practices.

Which will you try?


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