We aren't meant to heal alone, and you don't have to.

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I am survivor of complex ptsd and betrayal trauma turned trauma trained somatic practitioner. I've walked in your footsteps and felt the agonizing pain of just surviving. Through the wisdom of the body I was able to find healing and now have the honor of supporting others from all over the world in reconnecting to their body's wisdom to find healing from Betrayal Trauma too. I have training in Polyvagal Theory, Somatic Attachment, Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy, Betrayal Trauma, Inner Relationship Focusing, Internal Family Systems, and more.

Read my story  ➝

After experiencing betrayal:
  • More than 76% of people feel a loss of personal power
  • 72% are hypervigilant and on guard to threats
  • Almost 90% experience flashbacks
  • More than 60% suffer from physical ailments since the betrayal
  • 89% say that certain people, places, or events trigger them
  • 80% are hesitant to trust again
  • 67% prevent themselves from forming deep relationships again out of fear of being hurt

Can you relate?

I was every one of those percentages.

Until I turned toward the one place I had been trying to run from... my body.

Your Body Holds The Key to Healing


Betrayal cuts deep, leaving emotional wounds and physical echoes that linger long after the pain's initial sting. But there's hope: your body holds the key to healing, and it speaks through felt sense, a tapestry of physical sensations, emotions, and subtle impressions unique to your experience.

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Support for every stage of healing.

Trust Yourself Again

By reconnecting with your body's wisdom and honoring its signals, you can learn to trust your intuition and inner guidance again, empowering you to make choices that protect and nurture your well-being

Feel in Control

Reconnecting with your body's innate wisdom through somatic practices can foster a sense of safety and inner authority, enabling you to navigate emotional fluctuations with greater awareness and control, reclaiming power over your reactions.

Improve Relationships

By developing a deeper sense of safety and trust within your own body, you'll be better equipped to recognize and honor your needs and set healthy boundaries, promoting healthier, more secure relationships with others.

Frequently Asked Questions


  • Certified Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher | School of Positive Transformation
  • Certified Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher | David Treleavan
  • Certified Betrayal Trauma Coach | PBT Institute 
  • Trauma Specialist | Arizona Trauma Institute
  • Somatic Attachment Therapy | Embody Lab
  • Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy | Embody Lab
  • Foundations of Polyvagal Informed Practice | Deb Dana
  • Complex Trauma Level I & II | Janina Fisher
  • Couple’s Therapy | Gottman Institute
  • Treating Affairs and Trauma | Gottman Institute
  • Felt Sense Polyvagal Model for Treating Trauma and Addiction | Polyvagal Institute
  • Proficiency in Focusing Partnership Award | Focusing Institute
  • Somatic EMDR | Embody Lab
  • Embodied Intimacy and Relationship Coaching | Embody Lab
  • Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner (in progress)

Remember that feeling in your chest, that tightness that seems to grab hold anytime the memory surfaces? Or the way your stomach churns, replaying the words, reliving the hurt? We've all been there, bearing the marks of betrayal like invisible scars.

At Resiliently Rising, I believe your body doesn't just hold those scars, it holds the wisdom to heal them.

Imagine it as a secret language - your body whispering what it needs, what helps it feel safe and whole again.

Not just your mind, but every fiber of your being, yearning to guide you on a path back to yourself.

That's why we won’t just stay in the narrative, we will delve into the felt sense, a tapestry woven from physical sensations, emotions, and whispers from within.

With 1:1 coaching, it's like having a compassionate friend, holding space for you as we gently explore this inner landscape without judgement.

But we go beyond. We unlock the secret code of your nervous system using the Felt Sense Polyvagal Model. Feeling on edge, ready to bolt? That's your fight-or-flight kicking in.

But that sense of calm washing over you? That's your body saying, "Hey, we're safe here." By learning to read these signals, you become the navigator of your own healing journey.

Imagine, instead of feeling lost in the maze of emotions, you have a map. A map that shows you how to move away from the danger zones and towards safe havens within yourself. That's the power of felt sense - your body's compass guiding you back to wholeness.

Your body holds the wisdom to your healing.

Through personalized 1:1 coaching or the supportive energy of a small group, you'll embark on a transformative adventure.

This isn't about silencing your mind; it's about creating a harmonious dialogue, where body and mind work in beautiful concert to orchestrate your healing symphony.

Are you ready to listen to the wisdom within?

Are you ready to rise, resilient and empowered?